Dr. F.W. Boreham is considered one of the greatest preachers and Christian essayists of all time. He was even honoured by a young Queen Elizabeth with an O.B.E. for Services to Preaching and Literature. His journey started in England (Part 1) and then to New Zealand (Part 2) and then to Hobart Tasmania (Part 3) that he “found his voice” and began to attract international attention as a preacher and writer. In 1916 he moved to Melbourne (Part 4) where his book sales soared and he entered the international stage as one of the world’s finest preachers.

Navigating Strange Seas DVD
Discover how Frank William Boreham went from being a shy introvert to being a highly competent pastor and world-acclaimed preacher.

F.W.B. seated when in Hobart
Also available online in Hi-Def video for renting of purchase from September 15th 2016
In 1936 F W Boreham was introduced to a large gathering of pastors in Edinburgh as “the man whose name is on all our lips, whose books are on all our shelves and whose illustrations are in all our sermons.” Now, 80 years later, Dr. Andrew Corbett is introducing F W Boreham to a new generation through this DVD series, Navigating Strange Seas. Andrew has not only studied his subject’s 55 books but he has visited the key places where Dr. Boreham ministered and in the process, unearthed new material and fascinating insights. The DVDs depict the places where the Boreham family lived, they tell the Frank Boreham story, they include many of Boreham’s photographic images and they contain rare audio footage of the famous man preaching. This series will inform those who have never heard of F W Boreham. It will give them a taste of his writings and be useful to anyone seeking to navigate the strange seas of their life. As a pastor, Dr. Corbett is keen to convey the wisdom that F W Boreham shared in his essays and sermons about the high calling of being a pastor and how to navigate its peculiar pressures. Billy and Ruth Graham, Leslie Weatherhead, Ravi Zacharias, Gordon Moyes and countless preachers have all acknowledged the way that F W Boreham has inspired them and enriched their ministries. You will want to add your name to this list after purchasing this valuable DVD series for your own study and enjoyment. Buy a series to give a gift of encouragement to your pastor. Share this valuable new resource with the small groups within your church.
Dr. Geoff Pound
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